Our Team



In Alphabetical Order

Lexi Asatani

research manager

Lexie channels her passion for entertainment into market research, specializing in home entertainment and gaming. Her experience extends to qual and quant, encompassing a wide range of techniques, including focus groups, in-depth-interviews, play tests, brand tracking, and concept testing. With a Bachelor's in Marketing from California State University, Long Beach, she aims to deliver her insights of audience preferences and market dynamics in the entertainment industry through actionable storytelling.


Cory Baumgarten

head of science

Cory is the Head of Science at Enact Insight. He has been at the intersection of data and entertainment for fourteen years, holding positions at Disney, Paramount, Universal, and Lionsgate. With an MS in Data Science from Northwestern and an MS in Computer Science from Georgia Tech, Cory turns our abundant data into marketing advantage for our clients.


Greg Durkin

founder / ceo

Enact Insight founder, Greg Durkin, has 20+ years of experience solving marketing problems with data. Over his career he's counseled filmmakers, studio executives, tech entrepreneurs, and investment firms. He’s also instructed hundreds of students on the subjects of marketing and data analytics.

From 2006 through 2015 Greg was an executive at Warner Bros. Pictures where he helped shape and market such films as The Departed, The Hangover, The Dark Knight, Godzilla, and The Lego Movie. In his last few years at WB he started the Marketing Analytics department and disrupted the movie marketing model.

Greg has an MBA from University of California, Berkeley, an MS in Applied Social Research from City University of New York, and a BS in Marketing from Villanova University. While at Villanova, Greg made his first steps into the entertainment business as the night manager of an independent video store.


Michael Holloway

lead software engineer

Michael is a software engineer & full-stack web developer with a deep and abiding love for the cinematic arts. He excels at utilizing programming and modern web development tools to catalog, promote and celebrate film, with specialization in Postgres database architecture and the Django web framework. He is passionate about designing relational databases, building modern websites and apps, and using these tools to serve both the entertainment industry and individual aficionados alike.


Michael LaBlanc

head of product development

Michael is the Head of Product Development at Enact Insight. Graduating from the University of San Diego with a degree in Industrial and Systems Engineering, Michael has made it his mission to utilize his technical engineering expertise to support business objectives. His career has focused on applying data-driven research and analytics towards creating efficiencies in the media and entertainment landscapes. Michael helps clients form and achieve strategic goals as an expert in translating advanced quantitative techniques and results into actionable business insights.


Eliana Lemberg

research manager


Eliana is a Research Manager at Enact Insight. With a background in psychological research and entertainment testing, she is skilled at helping studios and streamers optimize their content's impact through actionable narrative strategies. Her personal passions for film and theater motivate her to deliver insights that drive meaningful results for clients, ensuring that their stories truly resonate with audiences. Eliana holds a B.A. in Psychology from Dickinson college, where she studied behavioral and cognitive neuropsychology.


Patrick Moran

director of tracking

Patrick is the Director of Tracking and has worked in market research for over 20 years.  In that time, he has worked in various capacities as a Data Analyst, Sample Coordinator, Data Processor, Project Manager and Research Director. 

Patrick has worked on many different aspects of research throughout his career from coordinating operations teams, managing panels, designing custom databases, running tracking studies and designing surveys.  He also has background in retail, working for both big brick and mortar franchises and independent video stores.  Patrick has a love and passion for all things entertainment.


Mark Orne

Managing Director, Home Entertainment & Gaming

Mark has over 20 years of experience in the entertainment industry, providing senior management, filmmakers, game developers, and retailers with research solutions, expert analysis, and strategic recommendations.

Most recently, Mark spent over eight years on the agency side creating and leading a Cross Platform group, which focused on content development, IP/franchise management, title tracking, creative explorations, user experience, play testing, and business development. From 2002 through 2015 he was an executive at Sony Pictures Home Entertainment where he built and led their Global Consumer & Shopper Insights group. Before Sony, Mark was a Project Director in the Entertainment Group at Lieberman Research Worldwide.

Mark has a MA in Communication Management from USC Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism and a BA in Sociology from UCLA. In between UCLA and USC Mark began his career in entertainment as the office manager for a first-of-its-kind (in the mid 90's) online rare comic book brokerage house.


Taylin Shoemaker


Taylin has over five years of experience supporting entertainment research teams across title-specific marketing campaigns. Her expertise lives across the content lifecycle – from greenlight, to creative testing, to post-mortems – giving her the tools to identify specific insights for any level of research question.
An avid entertainment consumer herself, Taylin enjoys getting into the mindset of the audience and keeps up to date with all the top movies and series to ensure research insights are founded in the audience perspective of today.


Carri Sturm

Research manager

Carri is Research Manager at Enact Insight. A recent graduate from the University of Florida, she studied the intersections between economics and international relations. Her research used regional data to further understand the dependence of women’s rights on economic autonomy. She is an analytic thinker who strives to solve abstract issues with data-driven solutions.


Rebecca Tippens

head of data

Rebecca is Head of Data at Enact Insight. An enthusiastic and dedicated problem-solver with a background in Physics (BS, University of Illinois) and Astrophysics (MS, University of Texas at Austin), her graduate research focused on using non-parametric statistics to study the history of the Universe and its most elusive components. This work formed the basis of her data science expertise, and fueled her passion for making sense of complex/messy datasets.


Avery Yoak

research associate

Avery is a Research Associate at Enact Insight. A recent graduate from the College of Coastal Georgia, where he studied marketing and took an interest in market research. With a background as an intern here at Enact Insight, Avery refined his analytical prowess and has continued to grow his understanding of the international entertainment industry.